Saturday, 5 January 2013

Digital Marketing and Analytics in 2013

Digital Marketing and Analytics in 2013

'WWW(World Wide Web) marketing and analytics' kick started as 'internet marketing and analytics' which then became 'web or online marketing and analytics' and today it is 'digital marketing and analytics'.

Every new year brings in new challenges, dimensions and buzz in the digital marketing and analytics domain. Digital Marketing and Analytics in 2013 will evolve into a platform specific engagement catering to the world of WWW on desktop/laptop, WWW on tablets, and WWW on mobile phones. 

So how do you go about it?

Thumb rule: Divide your 'digital marketing and analytics' by desktop/laptop, tablets, mobile phones. And integrate your digital marketing with the offline marketing activities. Remember - the power of integrated marketing and analytics is much wider and very effective.

1) Advertising via Google AdWords :
* Using the keyword tool - do a keyword research by platforms(desktop, mobile, tablet) and create platform specific ADs. 
* Create various dimensions of banners suitable for desktop/laptop sites, tablet sites and mobile sites and execute them on Google AD-words mapping them via keywords or target sites.
* Use the power of Google AD-words reports and your website analytics tool reports to optimize the campaigns and save your marketing spends for better Return On Investment (ROI). For ex: A keyword with only impressions and no clicks has to be removed, A keyword with only clicks and no action on the landing webpage will demand a renovation of the landing page.

A word of caution - 
a) Ensure there is a relevancy of the keyword with the AD and the landing page. In simple words: what you promote should be highlighted on the landing page.
b) Ensure a CRM tool/software powers your website, campaigns and analytical tool so that you are hands off with reporting the ROI. 

2) Advertising on the Social Media:
Test if the campaigns work well on all 3 platforms and report statistics in scorecards classified as social for desktop/laptop, tablet and mobile.

a) Facebook:
In 2012, Profile page, Fan page, Contests, Behavioral Image advertising were popular, What is in store for 2013?
* The local search on Facebook is gaining momentum, plan to integrate mashups and your store details on the Facebook local search via Facebook listings etc.
* You were used to 'search advertising' on Google, Yahoo, Bing, AOL, Baidu! Switch gears for 'search advertising' on Facebook.
* You were building Apps for IOS, Android in 2011? You are now thinking about APPS for Windows, start thinking about APPS for Facebook.
* Facebook can very well take the global lead against Google in transforming social advertising to help improve performance & engagement metrics. Be prepared to unleash its power!
* Plan to integrate Facebook comment spree on the campaign landing page.
* Use the power of Facebook analytics and your website analytics tool to unleash the power of data mining, sentiment analysis, visitor analysis and evolve your social media techniques to not only build brand and also profit online businesses with SROI (Social Return On Investment). Explore options to integrate Social CRMs.

b) Youtube: is the 2nd largest search engine, can it be a no.1 ? Definitely not!
* Optimize all your current videos ( do a video search optimization)
* Do a keyword research using Youtube keyword tool before hand & then plan the video content strategy for the entire year. Post videos only if they are being searched.
* Integrate videos on the campaign landing page.
* Use the power of analytics and your website analytics tool to unleash the power of video marketing.

c) Twitter:
* Integrate live twitter feeds on your campaign landing page
* Keep tweeting!

d) Plan to onboard your company profile on Google+ and Pinterest.

3) Email Marketing:

* Integrate your email marketing campaigns with social media marketing. Don’t you think  ‘a post’ onFacebook can help you set up a live multi touch email marketing campaign?Think loud!
* Plan to start Mobile Email Marketing and Analytics
* Launch the email marketing campaign with all other forms of marketing campaigns. For example: send a EDM (electronic direct mail) to potential customers during a car launch, card launch or a investment policy launch.
 * Test your email campaigns big time – example tests can be: call to action, buttons, text, content layout, subject line, frequency, and image.
Use the power of email marketing tool analytics(Unica, Eloqua etc) and your website analytics tool to unleash the power of email marketing.

4) Onsite Merchandising:
* Integrate onsite merchandising plan with entire marketing plan.
* Behavioral onsite merchandising is just not limited to ecommerce world, you can as well initiate behavioral onsite merchandising on your homepage, high trafficked webpages, onsite search result page and campaign landing page.
* Tag the onsite merchandising very well such that the website analytics tool can capture the clicks & ROI.

5) SEO - Search Engine Optimization:
* Get started with ORM (Online Reputation Management)
* Get started with Mobile Search Optimization
* Get started with Social Search Optimization
* Get started with Video Search Optimization
* Get started with Image Search Optimization
* Power the above optimizations with Universal Search Result Dominance for your top business keywords
* If SEO is big for you then empower your enterprise website with Search Softwares such as Covario, Conductor, Bright Edge, or Adobe Search Center.
* Integrate SEO with all forms of marketing efforts because every offline and digital marketing effort can lead the prospect customer for a 'online search' and a proper SEO or Paid Search Advertising campaign has the ability to convert a prospect into a customer.

6) The world of APPs:
* If 2012 was dominated by IOS and Android, 2013 will see a spike in Windows and Facebook based Apps. Thus, continue to upgrade IOS and Android based APPs and build apps for Windows and Facebook platforms.
* Extensively use Mobile & Tablet Marketing techniques to promote your APPs. However, plan to integrate APPs marketing with the entire marketing campaign.
* Use the power of online stores to promote & sell your APPs.
* Lastly, consider APPs to be a product and not a website. Thus continue efforts on product management and analytics efforts to make the APPs better & better.
* Lastly, plan to integrate a APPs analytics tool with your website analytics tool.

7) Analytics should evolve into actionable insights:
* Plan to advance your analytic capability to provide meaningful insights which can profit online businesses
* Plan to enhance your website analytics tool to provide integrated views divided by 3 platforms desktop/laptop, tablet and mobile constituting of below statistics:
i) 1 Social View: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google+, Pinterest etc
ii) 1 Search View: SEO, Paid Search and Onsite Search
iii) 1 Onsite Merchandising View: Static and Behavioral Targeting
iv) 1 Email Marketing View: Single and Multi Touch 
v) 1 Video Marketing View: Enterprise TV and Online Videos of youtube, metacafe etc
v) 1 Offline Impact View: Stats from TV, Print, Hoardings etc
vi) 1 Multi Channel Marketing View: Including all digital and offline marketing efforts
vii) Integrate the tool with the any of the CRM tools such as Salesforce, Siebel etc.

Your KPIS should be divided by 3 platforms - desktop/laptop, tablet and mobile and include the below:
1) Traffic: Unique Visitors, Visits, Visitors, Page Views
2) Visitor Referrals: Search(SEO, SEM, Onsite), Social (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Digg, Delicious etc), Offline Sources (TV, Print etc), External Links  (Free & Paid : OPR, Blogs, Links), Campaigns ( Banners, etc), Email Marketing (Free and Paid : Newsletter, Subscriptions, EDMs), Onsite Merchandising
3) Bounce Rates and Exit Rates
4) Segmentation by Country, States, Cities, Gender, Age and Income Group
5) Influence: PDF Downloads, Video Watch, Demo Watch, Anchor Text Clicks, Onsite Searches, Onsite Merchandising Touch Points, Subscriptions,  Clicks on Social Buttons
6) Engagement Metrics: Ratings, Reviews, Comments
7) Lead Metrics: Usage of options such as Email Us, Live Chat Applications, Contact Us Form, Dial on Toll free number, Click to Call, Click to Chat Option, Completion of a form.
8) Conversion Metrics: Purchase, Trades, Money Transaction, Willing to Buy